The Spa
at Auberge Beach Residences

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
20,000 ft2 (interior)
Scope of Services
  • Concept
  • Design Support
  • Launch
  • Menu Design
  • Planning
  • Pre-Opening
  • Product Development

To coincide with Auberge Resort’s shift into residential development, we teamed with the property’s original landowners to craft a wellness story and spa experience that mirrored her childhood memories spent on this fabled shoreline and manifested her vision for a vital destination for health, balance, and renewal.

Referencing that backstory and the essential elements of the surrounding landscape; Sea, Salt, and Sand anchor the wellness offering, service menu, and brand partnerships.

Unique treatment spaces, including a heated quartz sand table, convertible space for floor-based bodywork, and outdoor massage cabanas, provide diverse settings and experiences for personal care in harmony with the natural surroundings and the culture of community.

Equal parts wellness hub, social nexus, and leading-edge spa retreat the ground level feature an extensive salon space for beauty and grooming services and a lively lifestyle retail outlet.  Moving further into the experience, an assortment of classic and contemporary thermal cabins create a highly customizable contrast bathing circuit to activate daily routines, amplify treatment outcomes and kickstart the body’s self-healing power.


As a child I grew up playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean, creating memories for a lifetime. Whether it was searching for shells or sea glass, shaking the seaweed to discover what lies within, or simply looking through a mask to see the world beneath the waves come alive…every adventure was unique. My vision for this spa is to share a nurturing and inspiring environment to celebrate you and this special place I called home. I want to provide an environment that enriches your soul and provides health, balance, and renewal. Auberge Beach Residences & Spa is the manifestation of that dream.

Kathy Ireland Mitchell
Owner, Auberge Beach Residences and Spa